The benefits of learning a new language with Duolingo: A comprehensive review

Language learning has become increasingly popular in recent years, with more and more people seeking to expand their horizons and connect with different cultures. Thanks to technology, there are now numerous language learning apps available to anyone with a smartphone or tablet. One of the most well-known and widely-used language learning app is Duolingo.

Duolingo is a free language learning app that allows users to learn a new language at their own pace and on their own schedule. The app offers courses in over 40 languages, ranging from Spanish and French to Japanese and Arabic. Duolingo’s approach to language learning is based on gamification and AI-powered algorithms that personalize the learning experience for each user.

In this post, we will review the benefits of using Duolingo for language learning. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced learner, we will explore how Duolingo can help you achieve your language learning goals. From accessibility and convenience to effectiveness and cultural immersion, we will cover everything you need to know about using Duolingo to learn a new language.

Benefits of learning a language with Duolingo 

Duolingo offers several benefits to those who want to learn a new language, we can see here as mentioned below. 

1. Accessibility and Convenience 

Duolingo’s mobile app allows users to learn a new language from anywhere, anytime. Users can choose when and where to practice, making it easier to fit language learning into their busy schedules. Additionally, Duolingo is a free app, making language learning more accessible to anyone who wants to try it.

2. Gamification Features 

Duolingo’s gamification features make language learning more engaging and motivating. The app uses a reward system that gives users points for completing lessons, and users can earn virtual badges and unlock new levels as they progress. Duolingo also allows users to compete with friends, adding an element of fun to the learning process.

3. AI-Powered System 

Duolingo’s AI-powered system personalizes the learning experience for each user. The app uses machine learning algorithms to analyze user performance and adapt to their needs. This means that users are presented with exercises and lessons that are tailored to their individual strengths and weaknesses, making language learning more efficient and effective.

These benefits make Duolingo an ideal choice for those who want to learn a new language in a way that is convenient, engaging, and personalized.

Duolingo’s effectiveness for language learning 

Duolingo has been shown to be an effective tool for language learning. There are some examples as mentioned below. 

1. Research Studies 

Several research studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of Duolingo for language learning. One study by Roumen Vesselinov and John Grego, published in the journal Language Learning, found that 34 hours of Duolingo study was equivalent to one semester of college-level language instruction. 

Another study by the City University of New York found that Duolingo was just as effective as classroom instruction for learning Spanish.

2. Success Stories 

Many users have reported success in using Duolingo to become proficient in a new language. For example, a user on Reddit reported that they used Duolingo to learn Spanish and eventually became a professional translator. 

Another user on Quora reported that they used Duolingo to learn French and were able to have conversations with native speakers.

3. Retention 

Duolingo’s system is designed to help users retain what they’ve learned. The app uses a spaced repetition system that presents users with vocabulary and grammar exercises at increasing intervals to reinforce learning. 

Additionally, the app includes a feature called “strengthen skills” that prompts users to review previously learned material to keep it fresh in their minds.

So, the combination of research studies, user success stories, and Duolingo’s retention-focused system demonstrate the app’s effectiveness for language learning.

Duolingo’s features and resources for language learning 

Duolingo offers a variety of features and resources to help users learn a new language. Let us see some examples as mentioned here. 

1. Listening Exercises

Duolingo includes listening exercises where users listen to a native speaker and then answer questions about what they heard. This helps users improve their comprehension skills and train their ears to recognize different accents.

2. Speaking Exercises

Duolingo also includes speaking exercises where users record themselves speaking the language and then receive feedback on their pronunciation. This helps users improve their speaking skills and gain confidence in using the language.

3. Grammar Explanations

Duolingo offers grammar explanations for each lesson, providing users with a deeper understanding of the language’s grammar rules. The app also includes grammar-focused exercises that allow users to practice using the grammar rules they’ve learned.

4. Vocabulary Lists

Duolingo includes vocabulary lists for each lesson, providing users with a way to learn and practice new words. The app uses a spaced repetition system to reinforce vocabulary learning, ensuring that users remember the words they’ve learned.

5. Cultural Immersion Features

Duolingo includes cultural immersion features that help users learn about the language’s culture and customs. For example, the app includes lessons on holidays and traditions, as well as stories and articles written in the language that provide insights into the culture.

So, Duolingo’s features and resources offer a comprehensive and engaging approach to language learning, providing users with a variety of tools to improve their language skills and learn about the language’s culture.

Limitations of Duolingo for language learning 

While Duolingo offers many benefits for language learning, it also has some limitations. Let us see some examples as mentioned below. 

1. Lack of Real-World Practice 

Duolingo is primarily focused on teaching grammar and vocabulary through exercises, quizzes, and games. However, it doesn’t provide users with much opportunity for real-world practice, such as speaking with native speakers or experiencing the language in a natural context.

2. Limitations of AI-Powered Learning 

Duolingo’s AI-powered system is designed to personalize the learning experience for each user, but it may not always be able to provide the level of feedback and guidance that a human teacher can offer. 

Additionally, the AI-powered system may not be able to fully understand the nuances of a language, such as idioms and slang.

3. Limited Language Selection 

While Duolingo offers a variety of languages to learn, the selection is still limited compared to other language learning resources.

Tips to supplement Duolingo with other language learning resources 

Let us see here a few tips as mentioned below. 

1. Practice with Native Speakers 

To improve your speaking and listening skills, try practicing with native speakers. You can find language exchange partners online, attend language exchange events in your local area, or hire a tutor to provide personalized instruction.

2. Use Language Learning Apps 

To supplement Duolingo’s grammar and vocabulary exercises, try using other language learning apps that provide real-world practice, such as Babbel or Rosetta Stone.

3. Immerse Yourself in the Language 

To get a better understanding of the language’s culture and customs, try immersing yourself in the language. This can include reading books and articles in the language, watching movies and TV shows, or listening to podcasts and music.

While Duolingo offers many benefits for language learning, it’s important to supplement it with other resources to gain a well-rounded understanding of the language. 


Duolingo is a popular and effective language learning app that offers a variety of features and resources to help users learn a new language. It’s accessible, convenient, engaging, and personalized, making it a great option for language learners of all levels. However, it’s important to supplement Duolingo with other resources to gain real-world practice and a well-rounded understanding of the language. 

In this post, we reviewed the benefits of using Duolingo for language learning, including its accessibility, gamification features, and personalized learning experience. We also discussed some of the limitations of Duolingo, such as the lack of real-world practice and the limitations of AI-powered learning.

Overall, Duolingo is a great language learning resource that can help users achieve their language learning goals. If you’re interested in learning a new language, we encourage you to try Duolingo for yourself and see how it can help you reach your language learning goals. 

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A review of Duolingo’s language learning app by PCMag:

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